Recombinant Human NAP-2Recombinant Human NAP-2
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Recombinant Human NAP-2

CXC chemokine ligand 7 is a small cytokine belonging to the CXC chemokine family. It is a protein that is released in large amounts from platelets following their activation.1 It stimulates various processes including mitogenesis, synthesis of extracellular matrix, glucose metabolism and synthesis of plasminogen activator.2,3
Cat# Size Price Qty Buy
N119-50ug 50ug
N119-10ug 10ug

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Manufacturer Cat# N119
Formulation This recombinant protein was lyophilized from a 0.2 μm filtered solution in 30% acetonitrile (CH3CN) and 0.1% trifluoroacetic acid (TFA).
Manufacturer Leinco Technologies Inc
Alternate Names Neutrophil Activating Protein-2 Neutrophil Activating Protein2 Neutrophil Activating Protein 2 Recombinant Human NAP-2 CXCL7 NAP-2 CXCL7 NAP2 CXCL7 NAP 2 CXCL7 Recombinant Human NAP-2 CXCL7 PPBP PBP B-TG1 Beta-TG CTAP-III CTAP3 CTAPIII LA-PF4 LDGF MDGF SCYB7 TC1 TC2 TGB TGB1 THBGB THBGB1 PPBP PBP BTG1 BetaTG CTAPIII CTAP3 CTAPIII LAPF4 LDGF MDGF SCYB7 TC1 TC2 TGB TGB1 THBGB THBGB1 PPBP PBP B TG1 Beta TG CTAP III CTAP3 CTAPIII LA PF4 LDGF MDGF SCYB7 TC1 TC2 TGB TGB1 THBGB THBGB1 Recombinant Human NAP-2 CXCL7 Recombinant Protein Neutrophil Activating Protein-2 PPBP PBP B-TG1 Beta-TG CTAP-III CTAP3 CTAPIII LA-PF4 LDGF MDGF SCYB7 TC1 TC2 TGB TGB1 THBGB THBGB1 NAP-2 CXCL7 Human NAP-2 CXCL7 Recombinant Human NAP-2 CXCL7 Recombinant Protein Neutrophil Activating Protein2 PPBP PBP BTG1 BetaTG CTAPIII CTAP3 CTAPIII LAPF4 LDGF MDGF SCYB7 TC1 TC2 TGB TGB1 THBGB THBGB1 NAP2 CXCL7 Human NAP2 CXCL7 Recombinant Human NAP2 CXCL7 Recombinant Protein Neutrophil Activating Protein 2 PPBP PBP B TG1 Beta TG CTAP III CTAP3 CTAPIII LA PF4 LDGF MDGF SCYB7 TC1 TC2 TGB TGB1 THBGB THBGB1 NAP 2 CXCL7 Human NAP 2 CXCL7 Recombinant Human NAP 2 CXCL7 Recombinant Human NAP-2 CXCL7
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Protein NAP-2

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